EFWA volunteers on a membership canvass sign up a new member


Volunteer Today

Open Daily 7 days/week

Volunteers are needed daytimes and evenings, whether for a day, an hour, a week, a summer, or anytime. Call EFWA today at (631) 286-8004.

On-The-Job Training

No Experience Necessary

We use “on-the-job” training, so anyone can learn while taking action and making a difference. No prior experience or special skills are needed. Volunteers are productive from their first day in!

Make a Difference

Dare to Care

Participation is open to all those who dare to care and invest the time. Poverty wages force working families to “choose” between putting food on the table, paying rent and utility bills. Your participation can make a difference for workers organizing to end poverty conditions.

New EFWA volunteers join for an orientation to EFWA by an EFWA organizer

Sign up for an Orientation and Activity

New volunteers attend an orientation to inform them of basic history of the association, how it works, what its goals are and ways that are available for them to participate. After the orientation, new volunteers join an activity, learning the practical skills of organizing while helping to advance the association’s efforts. Contact EFWA’s Volunteers Coordinator to sign up for the next activity.

Organizer Training Programs Available

Find out about EFWA’s volunteer organizer training programs. We teach the organizing method and lessons that have created the most successful movement in this country for lasting change and advancement by and for farm and service workers, as well as other low-paid workers. In these troubled times, add your voice by joining EFWA to fight the government policies that cause and perpetuate poverty among the working poor.

A painting

Illustration by Alexander Klingspor

Why does the richest country in the world have farm workers without food?

Volunteer Power

Most sustainable fuel of all times

Regular Volunteer Activities

  • EFWA volunteer sort fresh produce for a weekly food distribution

    Food Distribution

    Thursday, Saturday and Sunday

    EFWA members run supplemental food distributions three times a week. We prioritize fresh, organic and healthy food items and always need volunteer drivers and other assistance.

  • An EFWA volunteer attorney works with EFWA members

    Legal Advice Session


    Legal advice is provided to requesting EFWA members privately with a volunteer attorney, accompanied by a volunteer lay advocate to assist with the next steps of the attorney’s advice. Lay advocates help on cases ranging from stolen wages to evictions. Advocates and volunteer attorneys are always needed.

  • An EFWA volunteer doctor provides donated care

    General Medical Session


    Volunteer medical professionals conduct general medical sessions that provide preventive care to EFWA members lacking access, and offer vaccination sessions as available. Lay advocates assist members and the doctors with follow-up, organize donated lab work and learn how to coordinate the medical sessions. Volunteer doctors and other medical professionals are always urgently needed.

  • An EFWA organizer does advocacy for a EFWA member

    Benefit Advocacy

    Mondays & Fridays 9:30 am - 12:00 noon

    Farm workers, service workers, domestic workers and other low-paid workers can’t win without organization. EFWA teaches the skill of advocacy. You can learn how to fight to keep a member’s lights on, how to restore and prevent utility shutoffs, how to expunge medical debt, and fight benefit denials for elderly, blind or disabled members.

  • EFWA volunteers, organizers and members talk to farm workers at a local migrant labor camp

    Operation Camp Crew

    Sundays 11 am - 5 pm

    Volunteers and EFWA members reach migrant workers living on farm labor camps to bring the benefit of organization, community connection and material aid, such as food, clothing, sun protection and cooling supplies.

  • EFWA organizers explain membership to a potential new member

    Membership Canvass

    Saturdays 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

    Alone and isolated we cannot achieve anything; united we can win! Volunteers canvass door to door in low-income neighborhoods where members and potential members live, to build organization where it’s needed the most.

  • EFWA volunteers work on a computer at an EFWA publication session

    Publications Session

    Wednesday 2 - 5 pm

    Join EFWA's publication staff! You can learn – or help teach – how to produce the next issue of EFWA's newspaper, The Long Island Farm Worker, and our seasonal Sponsors Guide to tell the truth about low-income workers organizing for economic justice. We also need volunteers to design flyers. Call EFWA!

  • EWFA organizer on community outreach talking to a prospective volunteer

    Community Outreach

    Fridays and Sundays

    Volunteers set up information tables in front of grocery stores, local community events and other locations to promote EFWA so that others can join our cause. This is one way EFWA enlists new friends and participants to come in and make a difference. Please call if you can volunteer or if you know of a location where EFWA can set up an information table.

  • An EFWA organizer providing training to a new member in how to do a mail out

    Mailout Sessions


    Volunteers prepare and send letters about our current campaigns to people who have joined EFWA and have expressed an interest in volunteering or supporting EFWA. We need volunteers to help with the daily letter mailouts as well as to assist with the bulk mailing of EFWA’s membership newspaper and Sponsors Guide.

  • An EFWA organizer works on phoning

    Phoning Session

    Daily 6 - 9 pm

    Volunteers are essential to all of EFWA’s activities year-round. Volunteers conduct group telephone sessions to re-contact interested individuals met on community outreach and by word-of-mouth about participating with EFWA’s organizing activities scheduled each week.

Annual Campaigns and Events

Winter Survival Campaign

Farm Worker Summer Campaign

Back-to-School Campaign

Halloween Events

Holiday Campaign

January - March

Winter Survival Campaign

Statistically, EFWA’s budget-saving Winter Survival Campaign saves at least six lives each winter when our members mobilize to aid one another in preventing disasters, such as utility shutoffs, house fires caused by unsafe heating methods or fatalities from untreated illness, inadequate nutrition and shelter. Every year since our founding in 1972, we have been getting food out to hundreds of membership families in low-income communities and keeping members housed through individual advocacy.

How you can help:

  • Host a collection of food, winter coats and hygiene supplies at your religious community, group, club or classroom

  • Volunteer on Operation Winter Watch by visiting elderly and vulnerable members at their homes and organizing a phone tree to contact members who may have lost heat and need EFWA’s benefit program.

  • Volunteer on a door-to-door membership canvass to reach seasonal workers who often face utility shutoffs, hunger and unemployment during the winter season.

  • Learn to do utility advocacy to restore shutoff gas and electricity services that endanger the lives of low-income families.

May - September

Farm Worker Summer Campaign

EFWA’s Farm Worker Summer Campaign reaches seasonal farm workers at their homes through door-to-door membership canvasses and migrant farm workers through Operation Camp Crews to farm labor camps throughout Long Island. EFWA runs distributions at the farm labor camps of food, clothing, hygiene supplies, sun protection, bottles of water and cooling equipment like fans and swamp coolers.

How you can help:

  • Host a collection of work clothing, food, sun protection or cooling fans at your religious community, group, club or classroom

  • Volunteer on Operation Camp Crews to assist in uniting migrant farm workers and distributing requested material resources.

  • Learn to run EFWA’s Benefit Office to meet the expanded need for clothing and other material resources by EFWA members.

  • Invite EFWA speakers to your religious community, group, club or classroom to build material support for the fight for justice for farm workers.

August - September

Back-to-School Campaign

The expenses low-income working parents face for back-to-school clothes and supplies, medical exams for school entry and immunizations can break an already over-stretched budget. Our Back-to-School clothing and supply distribution can save EFWA membership families up to $500 – money that can be used to pay for rent, utilities, food and medicines these families will otherwise be forced to do without.

How you can help:

  • Host a collection of school supplies at your religious community, group, club or classroom

  • Volunteer at the annual Back-to-School distribution sorting school supplies, filling backpacks and delivering resources to EFWA members who request assistance.

  • Learn to fill emergency food requests from EFWA members that become even more frequent throughout the fall and winter.

  • Invite EFWA speakers to your religious community, group, club or classroom to build support for EFWA’s Back-to-School Campaign.


Halloween Events

EFWA's annual Children's Safe and Sane Halloween Party and chaperoned Trick-or-Treat for Farm Workers is the first in a series of events organized by and for low-income workers and their families through the holiday season. Join the Halloween festivities!

How you can help:

  • Host a Trick-or-Treat for Farm Workers in your neighborhood and introduce your neighbors to EFWA members and their children.

  • Assist at EFWA’s annual Halloween Party by running games for kids and serving food. You can also help decorate and setup for the event.

November - December

Holiday Campaign

EFWA volunteers have created budget-saving programs for members to help other members meet seasonal needs such as holiday food basket distributions for Thanksgiving and Christmas time, and holiday toy distributions to parents for their private family gift giving to their children.

How you can help:

  • Host a collection of holiday food items and new toys at your religious community, group, club or classroom

  • Volunteer on interviews with EFWA members requesting to enroll in EFWA’s year-round budget savings program and special holiday distributions.

  • Volunteer at Thanksgiving and Holiday Food Basket distributions to assist hundreds of low-income workers and their families.

  • Volunteer at the annual Holiday Party running games, serving food and assisting in the Secret Santa room.

  • Volunteer at the toy sort where EFWA volunteers prepare gifts to go to parents for their private family gift giving.